# InTheirWords

Jorge Figueredo | Edu-Futuro


“All staff members from the President and CEO, the former CFO who was the Treasurer of Edu-Futuro until he retired, 分行经理, and CSRs have been instrumental on Edu-Futuro’s financial journey. 总部坐落在一个非常方便的位置,其他分支机构总是配备充足的人员, 整洁有序.”…



Edu-Futuro’s mission is to empower under-resourced immigrant youth through education, 领导力发展, 还有家庭参与, to become the next generation of professionals who transform their communities.


John Snedden | Rocklands Barbeque and Grilling Company


“ACFCU, 作为一个当地的商人, has been really 有帮助的 in that they came out to actually meet with me, 过来看看这个项目, and understand what it is we are trying to do. Versus my experience with some bigger banks at times, 是在发送你的提案吗, and it’s “no” or “doesn’t fit our portfolio.”…


…To have that personal touch with the bank and to have the business team come out, really understand what we’re trying to do was a blessing. We have businesses in DC and also Alexandria, 但阿灵顿是一个独特的365体育投注英超联赛欧冠, 这是关于人际关系的. 我认为业务团队确实体现了这一点,因为他们希望与我们发展关系, and brought it across the finish line and got us the loan, 让我们的梦想成真.”

Rocklands was created out of John’s home catering business, and now has three locations that serve high-quality barbeque with no added sugar, 盐, 防腐剂, 或染料.


克里斯 & 美拉特汉堡|替代燕麦

"If we didn't have ACFCU, we wouldn't have our wholesale product line."

“ACFCU came into the picture for us at an absolutely perfect time. 我们快满一岁了. 我们决定通过在华盛顿建立的伙伴关系向批发方向发展, and the need was to move from pouches into single-serve cups. 那时我们已经耗尽了我们的信用,我们也没有用应急资金开始创业. And we knew that we had to make this change and reconfigure in order to…


…grow the business but the capital wasn’t there. 幸运的是,我们与中华全国总工会展开了讨论,得到了一些信任. 我们还一起做了一些其他的事情,这样我们就可以腾出一些现金来投资这个批发项目. 它给了我们设备, 它帮助我们购买库存,以便为我们的批发计划的启动做准备.

If we didn’t have that relationship come through, we probably would not be sitting with a wholesale product line.”

alternative OATS is founded on the principle of offering a delicious, 所有的自然, 填饱早餐不仅方便,还能让你整个早上都很饱. 我们不追逐流行的饮食趋势, cut corners or advertise anything other than what we offer: O自动取款机EAL REIMAGINED.


Dr. Walter Bowman | TeaBow Residential LLC


“My business became a member of ACFCU last year, in 2021. My first impression of ACFCU was from 凯文·谢菲尔德. He’s very professional, responsive, and accessible. This is critical to me as a business owner and makes me a happy member…


我与中华全国总工会的关系很亲密,因为我立刻就知道这家银行不像大银行那样做业务——在大银行里,你实际上只是另一个账户持有人. 中华全国总工会从成立的第一天起就把我的业务需求放在首位,这一点至今没有改变. 当我想到客户服务和中华全国总工会时,我想到的是一个响应迅速、无缝衔接的过程. 我的商业经验非常有风度,我的贷款很容易在最及时的方式完成.”

Dr. 鲍曼于2016年联合创立TeaBow Residential,最终目标是“打造与众不同”。. 自公司成立以来, 员工已发展到30多名全职施工团队成员和一支人员齐全、表现出色的开发领导团队.


布列塔尼·格里尔| Rosie Riveters

"I highly recommend ACFCU to any small business just getting started. 有一个当地的商业伙伴,支持和一个快速的电话是无价的."

他说:“我住在阿灵顿365体育投注英超联赛欧冠联邦信用合作社附近,对当地一家信用合作社的银行业务很感兴趣. 我从2015年就加入了中华全国总工会. 每个团队成员都热情地帮助满足我们的银行需求,并为我们的问题找到正确的答案……


…I’ve never had a bad customer service experience with ACFCU. Every staff member has gone out of their way to ensure that we are well cared for. 在小企业的世界里, 中华全国总工会的条款是公平的, 客户服务是一流的, 而且反应时间几乎是即时的. As the Executive Director of a small non-profit, 无论何时我遇到与银行相关的问题,我都可以拿起电话,与一个乐于帮助我回答问题的活生生的人交谈,这是多么有价值,我怎么强调都不过分.

布列塔尼·格里尔是执行董事 & Rosie Riveters的创始人. Rosie Riveters’ goal is to close the gender gap in STEM. 这些项目从早期开始(从学前班开始,一直延伸到中学),致力于实现该领域的性别平等。, 参与多次, and building confidence via an enduring growth mindset.



"R.E.A.D.'s success is just as important to ACFCU as it is to us."

“我通过阿灵顿领导学院了解了中华全国总工会在365体育投注英超联赛欧冠中的工作,并对其365体育投注英超联赛欧冠联系印象深刻. 我伸出手的那天, Jim Wilmot connected me with 凯文·谢菲尔德, who immediately started my application process. 我收到的贷款对我度过疫情的头两个月产生了巨大影响。


尽管R.E.A.D. is small compared to other nonprofits, it was never made to feel secondary. R.E.A.D.’s success is just as important to ACFCU as it is to us. They have their customers’ best intentions at heart. 中华全国总工会反应迅速, 有帮助的, 并致力于为大大小小的商业成员和整个阿灵顿365体育投注英超联赛欧冠服务. Run, don’t walk, and start doing business with ACFCU today.”

R.E.A.D. believes that families are a child’s first and most important teacher, 我们希望鼓励和尊重他们在帮助孩子培养对阅读的终身热爱方面所发挥的作用. 每个月,家庭可以从五本书的清单中选择他们想让孩子收到的书.


Tanya Sullivan | Plus One Strategic Communications

"ACFCU helped my small business when I needed it the most."

If you are looking for a new financial institution, contact ACFCU today. 他们会及时响应,并在你的商业旅程中帮助你.”


Plus One Strategic Communications是一家专门从事农村宽带行业的通信公司. They focus on culture change like employee and customer surveys, sales culture development and business development plans.  


Zak |咪咪货运


“ACFCU has helped me with my business for the past 5 years. They are community focused and offer lower rates. I highly recommend doing business with them today.”


护理驾驶beat365体育亚洲官网在线, 为亚历山大的居民服务, VA and the surrounding region of Arlington, 瀑布教堂和费尔法克斯, Northern Virginia with a commitment to service and value. It is a DMV approved and court directed driving school.


Wendy Zenker | Arlington Neighborhood Village

"We promote ACFCU to everyone we come in contact with. The customer service and convenience are phenomenal - plus, they have great rates."

“ACFCU doesn’t have competitive rates; they have the BEST savings rates for businesses and consumers in Arlington. ACFCU supports Arlington businesses and residents in many ways…


在我的商业角色中, 我了解了中华全国总工会,在过去的三年里,我把我的大部分个人银行存款从阿灵顿一家传统的长期银行转移到了中华全国总工会,因为[股票证书]的回报率更有利.”

阿灵顿365体育投注英超联赛欧冠村是阿灵顿老年人社会安全网的重要组成部分, 为来自365体育投注英超联赛欧冠各阶层的老年人提供志愿服务,并与县和老年人服务组织合作,使有需要的人能够就地养老. ANV是与老龄化和阿灵顿老龄化人口相关的信息和见解的可靠来源.


Zakiya Worthey | K. 羔羊有限责任公司

"ACFCU is the business partner you didn't know you needed."



Everyone – from the people who answer the customer service line to the bank tellers, all the way to the CEO/President Karen Rosales, is truly 有帮助的; and they will go out of their way to assist you.”

K. 羔羊有限责任公司 is a consulting company that provides strategic business planning, workplace culture and organizational consulting, 多样性, 公平和包容能力, political services and change management best practices and techniques. 








Tell us a little bit about yourself, your business and your borrowing needs. We will get in touch with you within one business day1.



核磁测井# 477974.

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